16 research outputs found

    Agricultural Loss Caused by 2007 Sidoharjo’s Flood and its House-hold Impact

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    Flood is an undeniable reality that threaten Sidoharjo Village, as part of Sragen District. It is affected by the presence of Mungkung River, the tributary of Solo River, which crosses in the area. It is certainly going to be one of the factors inhibiting the development and economic growth in the region, given the agricultural sector is one of the backbones of the economy potentially disturbed by the flood. The information about the flood and its impacts specifically related to agriculture are needed to determine the precise policies. The research focuses on 2007-flood mapping, agricultural production loss assessment, and farmer resilience, as expressed in their ability to continue the next cropping after being hitten by the 2007-flood. The flood map was built by integrating the local knowledge and the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The information about 2007 flood was collected by interviewing the local people. The DTM was built by interpolating the detailed spot height directly measured in the field. As the result of the integration, the depth of the flood immersing the paddy fields reaches approximately 3 meters.  Beside the flood depth, the growth stage of rice also determines the paddy vulnerability. It refers to the plant height and the sensitivity to the water immersion.  There are three stages i.e. vegetative, generative, and graining phases. The vulnerabilities were constructed based on the synthetic data obtained via Focus Group Discussion (FGD).  The production loss of paddy of the research area was counted based on the vulnerability. A grid-based GIS method is used in the loss calculation which produces a value of Rp. 1,137,350,000.00 (about USD 100,000.00). The losses influence the farmer ability to continue the cultivation in the next season, which in this study is defined as farmer resilience. To investigate the resilience level, 32 respondents were proportionally randomized to each flood zone. There are three zones created based on the flood depth. The influencing factors and their weights and scores were determined by the farmer representatives via FGD. Meanwhile, the socioeconomic data were collected by using the questionnaires. The results show that most of the farmers in the area (56.3%) are categorized in moderate resilience level


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    This p a p e r presents a flood risk perception and coping mechanism along CodeRiver, Yogyakarta Municipality based on the community approach. A total of 90households were interviewed. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for theSocial Sciences (SPSS) Program. The result indicated that there are no differencesof flood risk perception among the zones (p >.05). Perception of flood risk is influencedby several variables: gender, length of stay, RW’s risk level, distance betweenrespondents’ house and river and impact level of flood. Whereas, all types of community’scoping mechanism (technological, social, and economical) are influenced by impact levelof flood

    Elements at risk

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    This research is aimed to assess the flood hazard in part of Surakarta usinghydrodynamic modelling. Flo2D software is used to simulate the flood for 10, 25and 100 year return period. The modeling results include two flood parameters, i.ewater depth and flow velocity. A comparison was made in flood hazard mappingbetween single parameter and multi parameters. The multi parameters hazardmaps improve the reliability of the hazard class delineation. The impact assessmentis done in two point of view, human safety and property damage. The furtherimpact assessment is done by calculating the number of buildings affected by flood

    Analysis Community’s Coping Strategies and Local Risk Governance Framework in Relation to Landslide

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    Analysis of people perception and analysis of the coping strategy to landslides are the two elements that are es-sential to determine the level of preparedness of communities to landslides. To know the preparedness of government and other stakeholders in facing landslide, the analysis risk governance framework was required. A survey using questionnaires with random sampling was applied to assess the level of people perception and people coping strategy related to landslide. Analysis of risk governance frame work was done at the district and sub-district level. ἀe study found that people perception related with landslide dominated by high and moderate level. Age and education are two factors that inḀuence the people’s perception to landslide. Local people applied four types coping strategy, which are: economic, structural, social and cultural coping strategy. Totally, 51.6% respondents have high level, 33.3% have moderate level and only 15.1% respondents that have low level of coping strategy. ἀe factors that inḀuence the level of coping strategy are education, income and building type.  Analysis of risk governance framework is limited to the three components including stakeholder involvement, risk management and risk communication. Based on the data analysis, the level of stakeholder involvement at the district scope was categorized on the moderate till high and the level of stakeholder involvement at sub-district level was categorized on the high level. Generally, the risk management of Karanganyar was categorized on the moderate level and high level and the risk management in Tawangmangu was categorized on the moderate level. ἀere are some elements must be improved on the risk governance framework, those are data management, the pattern of relationships among stakeholders, increased participation of NGOs, constructed and updated landslide risk map, enhancement of microᴀnance role in helping the com-munity when disaster strikes and  dissemination of information about the landslide to the local community

    Analisis dan Estimasi Dampak Longsorlahan terhadap Jaringan Jalan di Kecamatan Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulonprogo

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    In this study, direct risk assessment was developed for various scenarios on the basis of hazard (e.g. spatial probability, temporal probability and magnitude class), vulnerability and estimating cost of road damage. Indirect risk assessment was derived from traffic interruption. The impact of landslide both direct and indirect impact were analyzed in the road segment 174. The research results show the highest direct impact of debris slide type of magnitude I located in the 20th mapping unit. The lowest direct impact of debris slide type of magnitude I can be founded in the 18th mapping unit. The direct impact of rock fall type of magnitude I which is located in the 6th mapping unit. Meanwhile, indirect impact which was caused by road blockage is Rp. 4,593,607.20 and Rp. 4,692,794.40 by using network analysis and community perception methods respectively. After class classification, road segment 174 is dominated by very low hazard, very low vulnerability and very low direct impact


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    Flooding has become a serious problem in Jakarta. During floods .of 2007, Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta was the worst hit.by the floods. Community have different perceptions on disaster and have different effort to overcome the hazards. Therefore, local government and relevant institution should investigate this situation and make this information a valuable input in developing and implementing response plans in flood mitigation. This research is to explore the vulnerability of floods based on local people\u27s perception. There were 83 households interviewed using questionnaire. Certain elements at risk related with physical and socio:economic aspects were identified. Physical information concerned the building structure and building contents. Several socio-economic characteristics were used as key indicators to analyze the vulnerability of people. Generally, the result of this research shows that the ability of people to cope with the flooding i$ linked with the capacity of the people itself. The capability of people to deal withflooding was influenced by several indicators.based on their socio- . economic characteristics. For example, lower income people will experience more suffering than the wealthier, because they cannot afford the\u27 costs of repair, reconstruction. Although the wealthier are likely to experience a higher degree of economic damage due to possessions of higher value. Base on the analysis, all coping strategies and flood measures are not enough to cope with flooding in the study area


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    The objective of this research is  determining alternative land use for settlement development considering  its hazards susceptibility.  Data were obtained by interviews, participatory GIS, direct-observation, sampling of soil  and secondary data analysis. The flood hazard map was produced using Kriging interpolation techniques; flood depth map for the largest flood in the year 2004 was created. The area with high landslide hazard is located on the hilly area in the eastern part of the area of study. The result from overlaying two hazard maps indicates that the area which considered as having less hazards  is located on the colluvial plain. The result of suitability analysis including hazard and people perception-based criteria showed that the area suitable is mostly located in Bagelen and Krendetan Villages. The result of suitability analysis of the non-hazard criteria showed that the area suitable  of which 338.1 Ha is an existing settlement


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    The objective of this research is  determining alternative land use for settlement development considering  its hazards susceptibility.  Data were obtained by interviews, participatory GIS, direct-observation, sampling of soil  and secondary data analysis. The flood hazard map was produced using Kriging interpolation techniques; flood depth map for the largest flood in the year 2004 was created. The area with high landslide hazard is located on the hilly area in the eastern part of the area of study. The result from overlaying two hazard maps indicates that the area which considered as having less hazards  is located on the colluvial plain. The result of suitability analysis including hazard and people perception-based criteria showed that the area suitable is mostly located in Bagelen and Krendetan Villages. The result of suitability analysis of the non-hazard criteria showed that the area suitable  of which 338.1 Ha is an existing settlement.